Grade review Period

& Checking Final Grades


Grade Review Period

This step-by-step guide only applies to checking your grades during the Grade Review Period! After that, you can see your final grades in the regular student portal

Step 1

Go to to HUFS' Homepage,

Step 2

Go to the Hotlink and click the 강의평가. 

Step 3

Login using your student ID and password.

Step 4

Agree to the use of your personal information boxes (if needed) and click the blue "save" button.

Step 5

You will need to enter your contact information using the e-정보입력/수정 link.

Step 6

a. Basic Info

Basic Information

Enter your e-mail address (if it is not entered automatically), and a phone number (H.P). 

You can use the example phone number (010-1234-5678) from the photo below if you do not have a Korean phone number.

b. Address & District Name

Choose Your Address

Click the gold button to enter a district name in Hangeul (e.g., 동대문), which will allow you to choose the rest of your address in a standardized format.

Search the options for your address, however, you can literally use any address in Korea for the purposes of checking your grades. You can use HUFS' dorm addresses, the university address, or any random address that shows up in the portal.

c. Building/Unit Info

Apartment Complexes

Other Housing/Buildings 

Click the blue button to save.

Step 7

Choose each one of your classes using the drop-down menu and complete the related course evaluation.

Step 8

Complete the course evaluation. Questions are in both Korean and English.

Step 9

Now you can click on the top link, 당해각기 성적조회

Step 10

View your grades! 

Exchange Students

We will send your transcript by e-mail to you and your home university coordinator within one month after the end of the semester.