The Argus


Where did The Argus derive its name?

The name of our newspaper, The Argus, is derived from a legendary creature from Greek mythology. In an attempt to stop her husband’s Zeus' habitual love affairs, Hera called for a gigantic monster named Argus. This big creature had 100 eyes dangling from its head, and left over 30 eyes open while asleep. As a result, there was no way Zeus could ever escape Argus's eyes.

The world we are living in is hard to go through, but The Argus promises to keep its eyes wide open at all times, work for justice, and give cutting criticism in accord with the minds of the people. The Argus will always be there as a spokesperson of the HUFS community and we would appreciate your participation in our mission.

How can you take part in The Argus mission?

There are multiple ways, you could show support for The Argus.

    • Share critical feedback on our articles

    • File a report regarding any campus issue worthy of The Argus’s attention

    • Sign up as temporary crew of The Argus in the ‘Guest Reporter’ position

Contact information


    • GlobeeDorm, Seoul Campus

    • Room 402

    • 02-2173-2508