Phone Service


Telecommunication Companies

KT Olleh, SKT, LG U+

We recommend KT Olleh Global Stores for services in foreign languages. You can find locations for stores at:

Obtaining and using a phone in Korea

What you need

Pre-paid Phones

    • From KT Olleh Global Stores: passport and Korean bank account

    • Ask for a pre-paid USIM Card→ Charge and use it

Phone Plan

    • Alien Registration Card and Korean bank account

    • How: Visit a KT Olleh Global Store

Fees for pre-paid USIM cards





Calls (/second)

4.8 Won

4 Won

4.9 Won

SMS (/text)

22 Won

22 Won

22 Won

MMS (/text)

220 Won

220 Won

220 Won

You can top off your phone, starting at 5,000 won (cash) or 10,000 won (Korean bank card). The term of validity depends on the fee (e.g. 5,000 won is valid for 30 days, 10,000 for two months). If you use up the charged amount, you have to top off your phone again. If the term of validity runs out, you can still receive calls/texts within 14 days. After 15 days, you cannot receive calls/texts anymore and if you haven’t topped off your phone within 30 days, the service will be cancelled.

If you are planning to stay in Korea for less than 1 year, you will need to use a pre-paid phone.

* If you prefer to use a phone you already have with a Korean SIM card, make sure your phone is not country-locked.

If you are planning to stay for longer than a year, you can sign up for a regular contract and get a cell phone. You can choose from various phones and do not have to pay for the mobile device unless you prefer a more recent model. However, contracts are usually for 2 years and there will be cancellation fees if you are leaving before your contract ends. Contracts require a monthly bill which is deducted automatically from your bank account.