Credit System



Credits and Hours

We currently require 134 credits for graduation from our undergraduate studies and our master’s programs usually consists of 24 credit hours of coursework plus a thesis completed in four semesters or two years.

One credit consists of 16 in-class contact hours (with one contact hour equaling 50 minutes of a regular course or 100 minutes of a lab course) over a period of no less than two weeks. A regular semester (Spring: From March - June, Fall: September - December) lasts 16 weeks.

A student in a single class with 3 HUFS credits will have enrolled in 48 hours of class time. A student enrolled in our recommended 12 credits per semester will have enrolled in 192 hours of time spent in class. This does not include any study work spent outside of the lecture/lab period.

1 hour of class time/week = 16 hours of instruction/semester = 1 class credit

Maximum/Minimum Credits

Undergraduate students can take up to 20 credits per semester. However, the university does not allow students to take less than 12 credits per semester. We recommend that students take 17–18 credits each semester if they wish to graduate on time. 

Note: Please check with your department for detailed information about mandatory classes in your major.

Credit Requirements





1st Major


*The College of Interpretation and Translation requires 70 credits

*Note: Please check with your department for detailed information about mandatory classes in your major.

Liberal Arts


*Seminar for Freshman - 1st major (mandatory)

*All Liberal Arts (Free Choice)

1 credit






HUFS Grading Scale

Regular Semester Course performance is graded on the following 100- point scale